Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Survive - Being Single

It's not a sin to be single. Help for those who feel shame and disappointment about their single status.

It’s Not A Sin To Be Single tackles the following questions:

Why is there so much pressure to be married?

What can I say to people when they ask me why I’m still single?

How do I satisfy my sexual desires as a single person?

How can I change the way I view my position as a single parent?

How can I learn to love myself as I am?

Are there any benefits to being single?

Why am I so miserable?

Will I ever get over the demise of my last relationship?

Is it okay to dream about having my ideal relationship?

There is nothing wrong with you.

That's right, you read correctly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Being single is not a punishment. You didn't do anything wrong. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment. This moment is necessary. The only thing holding you back is the fact that you haven't discovered why who you are right now, is exactly who you need to be. – Te-Erika Patterson

I believe this book will be a life saver for many women and men. It also includes a bonus chapter with exercises you can do to help ease your mind on those lonely days and nights.

Purchase It's Not A Sin To Be Single.



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