Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Savvy Sisters Book Reviews

My Savvy Sisters are now doing book reviews!

We are accepting PDF versions of books in print for review. These books may be written by men or women but must be written FOR women.

Please send an email to the publisher with the following information:

1. Your Name & Book Title
2. ISBN#
3. Where to purchase (include link)
4. Genre
5. JPEG Cover Shot
6. Your PDF file

Our reviews will not be plot synopsis'. We will review for:

1. Value - Does this provide a useful message for women to be empowered?
2. Emotion- How does reading this book make the reader feel?
3. Juice- The highlights of the book
4. Recommended- Why do we recommend this book?

We are currently looking for book reviewers to volunteer for My Savvy Sisters. Serious inquiries are welcome. We reserve the right to refuse to review any book.



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