Friday, September 30, 2011

Create Your Own Adventure

Tired of the same old same old routine every day? Why not try an adventurous approach to life’s decisions?

Everyone loves a good story. In fact, that’s what life is made of. We all live to tell the stories of our lives. Every one of our stories is unique and every life story is full of drama, comedy, suspense and tragedy.

The next time you have a decision to make, choose your next adventure and say to yourself, "I'll do it for the story!"


Instead of driving to work in ten minutes, take the bus. See who you meet. Have a random conversation with a perfect stranger. DO IT FOR THE STORY.

Instead of ignoring that idea that says, "TRY ME", go out and TRY IT! DO IT FOR THE STORY!

Instead of ditching the next man who asks you out, go out with him. DO IT FOR THE STORY you get to tell about it the next day.

Instead of following the crowd and going to your local community college, take a risk and go out of state. DO IT FOR THE STORY.

Make your life story one of adventure by leaving your fears and inhibitions at the door step. Shock yourself by choosing your own adventure! Go ahead- Write the story of your life!




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