Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Your World News Report - June 15, 2011

Another Blow for Al-Qaeda; Fazul Abullah Mohammed Shot and Killed

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed was reported shot and killed by Somali Transitional Federal Government forces in Mogadishu, a city in Somalia. Mohammed was one of Al-Qaeda top militant in Africa --a bounty of $5 million was declared for his capture. Mohammed was suspected to be responsible for the US Embassy bombing in East Africa in 1998. An official was reported in saying "Fazul Abdullah Mohammed's death removes one of the terrorist group's most experienced operational planners in East Africa and has almost certainly set back operations."


32 Members of Anonymous Hacker Group Arrested

32 people have been arrested in Turkey who is suspected members of the infamous hacker group Anonymous. The group is well known in Turkey for their disapproval against the government intentions to establish up a national net filtering system. Anonymous is allegedly responsible for hacking into the Turkish directorate of telecommunications. Anonymous showed their disapproval by shutting down Turkish governmental websites.


President Obama Visits Puerto Rico

President Obama made a rare historic presidential visit to Puerto Rico on Tuesday—the last official president to visit Puerto Rico was President Kennedy 50 years ago. President Obama’s visit is suspected to help him with Latino voters in the 2012 Presidential Elections -- even though Puerto Rican American Citizens living in Puerto Rico who are not allowed to vote in the U.S. Presidential Election; however, there are more than 5 million who reside in the US that are registered voters. President Obama addressed a large crowd then attended a Democratic National Committee event prior to heading back to Washington.


Republican Candidates Presidential Debate

The second presidential republican debate was held on Monday night in New Hampshire among those in attendance was Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich former Speaker of the House, Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, Representative Ron Paul of Texas, Herman Cain former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and Tea Party candidate Representative Michelle Bachman of Minnesota. Michelle Bachman officially announced on during the debate that she officially filed papers to run president in the 2012 debate. Political analysts are awarding Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachman winners of the second debate. Officials are also stating that more candidates may announce their candidacy.




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